Neon on Film
It’s always worth the effort
Cold, late nights spent capturing the vibrant glow of neon signs is one of the highlights of my photographic journey. It's not just about the in-depth process of setup, scouting the optimal angle, and mastering focus and exposure; it's about embracing the challenge. Below, you'll find a selection of my favorite images captured on both 35mm and 120 film throughout the past few years.
Portland Outdoor Store | Nikon F6 | Portra 400
Capitol Hill Motel | Nikon F6 | Ektar 100
Oak Grove 8 | Nikon F6 | Portra 160
Moreland Hardware | Nikon F6 | Portra 160
White Stag Sign | Pentax 6x7 | Ektar 100
Aladdin Theatre | Pentax 6x7 | Ektar 100
Del Rancho Motel | Pentax 6x7 | Ektar 100
Westerner Motel | Pentax 6x7 | Ektar 100
Stardust Diner | Nikon F6 | Portra 400
Mock Crest Tavern | Nikon F6 | Portra 400
Miller Paint | Pentax 6x7 | Ektar 100
Signal Pizza | Pentax 6x7 | Portra 160
Oregon City Marina | Nikon F6 | Portra 400
Ron Tonkin Chevrolet | Nikon F6 | Portra 160
Tip Top Cleaners | Nikon F6 | Portra 400
La Bamba Resturant | Nikon F6 | Portra 160
Cadillac Cafe | Nikon F6 | Ektar 100
Kelly's Olympian | Nikon FM | Portra 400